Why Set Boundaries on What Kids Can View on the Internet?
Oh, how we love the Internet! It is a vast realm of unlimited information and possibilities. We can get too engrossed as we peruse and latch onto everything it can offer. That possibly, there was a time when our views on matters got skewed or influenced by what we have seen, read, and watched over the net. It is not a shame to admit it. Maybe, it did us good. We become aware of social issues and engage in contributing to a better society. However, with the good comes the bad. Fake news has become so accessible. Then, there are deep fakes that not only blur the truth but destroy it. Likewise, there is inappropriate content and other online dangers that pose risks to our kids’ safety. As a parent or guardian, we would not want our kids exposed to such things. Things that may harm them as they grow up. These online risks, among many others, are why we have to set limits to what our kids can view on the Internet. This matter can be a precarious subject. Trend Micro Safe Filter for Kids wards off inappropriate content that kids may possibly see on the internet; content that endangers their well-being.
With that in mind, allow us to share with you the reasons for establishing guidelines on what our kids can see over the web.
Why Boundaries Matter …
- It keeps your kids safe.
Online safety should be a priority when your kids go online. Most of the time, when we talk about internet safety, we tend to focus on keeping our privacy and data safe. We sometimes overlook the risks that children may experience just being online.
Here are some of the dangers your kids may face online:- Cyberbullying: Uses the Internet as a means to embarrass, harass, or threaten another person. It often occurs on social media platforms, on instant messengers, forums, and emails.
- Cyber Predators: People who use the Internet to exploit, usually children or teens for sexual, or other purposes. They set up fake profiles and lure young people befriending them through chat rooms or social media.
- Inappropriate Content: Unsuitable information for young people such as content promoting hate and violence (based on race, religion, sexual preference, etc.), advocating unsafe behavior (such as suicide or self-harm), and sexually explicit content. Children with their curious nature can intentionally search for, or accidentally stumble upon distasteful content through social media. Social media algorithms are by far not perfect. It suggests content which it assumes is relevant to the user. Thus, it could unwittingly present adult, or inappropriate content to a child. Such objectionable content would be incomprehensible, so much so it may inadvertently change their behavior or influence their way of thinking.
- Scams: Fraudulent action or operation that often targets unknowing individuals. These days, children are the latest demographic mark for this deceitful scheme. These scams can range from free concert tickets or mobile phones, fake scholarship grants, fake contests or competitions, and many more.
- It opens a healthy communication between parent and child.
Kids are curious by nature. They can’t help but discover new information. Screen time limitation cuts down on your children turning to the Internet to explore things that come across their inquisitive minds. Instead, they will turn to you, their parents or guardians on matters that strike their curiosity. On the other hand, they can get annoyed or mad at you for restricting them on some Internet content that you deem inappropriate. Instead of giving in to what the kids want, the parents can take on this opportunity to discuss with their kids and expound on why these boundaries are in effect. This helps the kids understand so they can cope when similar situations happen. Likewise, it also develops open communication between the kids and their parents or guardians. Thus, the parents or guardians can guide them on fun, engaging ways to learn, express their creativity and safely stay connected with kids their age that’s not always tethered to using or viewing things on the Internet. For more resources on helping kids, families, and schools use technology safely, responsibly and successfully, parents can visit Internet Safety for Kids and Families (ISKF). - It prevents internet addiction among kids.
Viewing Internet content can be entertaining, fascinating, and captivating. Sometimes, we overlook that kids can be too engrossed with things they have seen or viewed over the Internet. Kids may want or demand more screen time from their parents to view similar content. However, when left unsupervised, it can turn into an addiction. As a result, kids become withdrawn. The kids become limited by their obsession. And so, parents must be aware of changes in their kids’ behavior specially, when they’re using the Internet.
To Sum It Up
It is imperative to teach kids how to use the Internet responsibly by setting boundaries on what they can view on the internet. Parents can initially use Trend Micro Safe Filter for Kids. It’s a browser plug-in for your child’s browser that provides AI real-time content and image filtering. However, you need more flexibility on setting these limits, adding another layer of protection is always advisable. Parents can benefit from using Trend Micro’s Maximum Security to safeguard their kids as they explore the web safely, with both time and content limits. Likewise, keeping your kids on-the-go safe means extending the limits you set beyond the home. Trend Micro Home Network Security (HNS) makes this easy for you with its complementary app, Trend Micro Guardian.
Layered boundaries for protecting our kids online may seem an overkill for some, but as the saying goes, “It’s better to be safe than sorry.”